Thursday, January 12, 2012

Let him choose

Otter loves to be in control.  I love to offer easy and healthy options.  So, I create (or buy) healthy snack options and portion them out for Otter and toss them in a container.  When Otter wants a snack, we let him choose the snack from the bin.  He loves that HE gets to choose what he wants to snack on. I love that, really, I'm in control.  We offer things like vanilla wafers, graham crackers, peanut butter crackers, and granola bars. These are his snacks and not his meals.  His fruits and veggies come from the meals.  But this also encourages vocabulary.  I will get down to his level and say "Choose 1 *holding up 1 finger* snack." Let him choose.  As his hands glide over all of his options I will say the name of what he's considering.  Then when he chooses, I say, "Oh, you've chosen vanilla wafers!  Those are yummy."

The down side to this, is many shelf stable and easily ready snacks really aren't that healthy (I'm talking sugar).  I wish that I could have cut up grapes or apples ready, but in reality those are best prepared right before being consumed. I am still researching (and open to suggestions) of better options.  I don't want him to never have sweets.  Because consuming them in moderation will help him make better choices growing up, since he won't ever feel deprived of them. But I'd like to have healthier sweet options. 

However, at his age, he's crazy full of energy (when he's not sick) and runs around everywhere.  He's recently been enrolled in a gymnastics-like class and has chosen the rings as his favorite. We may have found his calling, even at his tender age. I hope that he continues to find things that he loves and that we are able to support him in his passions.  The sad truth is, I know nothing about gymnastics or rings, so I don't know how to encourage it other than to offer it as an option and try to learn as much during his class that I can.

Well, that's all for now. What new memories have you made recently?

Friday, January 6, 2012

My kid is a petri dish...

It's been a while since I've posted.  I've been busy, as this post will detail.

We can't seem to win the healthy battle.  Otter is CONSTANTLY sick.  Seriously.  We made it 6 days with out a cold this time. I should buy stock in my pediatrician's office. I've had mini meltdowns in their office about how I feel like this is all my fault and how can I can I fix this.  Truth is, Otter is a "daycare kid" and is going to get sick.  Sure, he seems to catch everything. But, we'll get there.  But there are days where I feel like he's a petri dish and all the germs are testing out their skills on his immune system. 

However, when the cutie is sick, I get a lot of snuggles.  Sometimes they are whiny snuggles, but snuggles all the same.  Some of my favorite things to do when he's not feeling amazing are to throw a fresh towel and his most comfortable pair of jammies in the dryer.  Then we hit the bath.  Once bath time is over, which ever parent that isn't chaperoning bath time brings in the warm snuggly towel and jammies and we dry off and get in the jammies immediately and then head to mommy and daddy's bed with snack and a sippy.  We don't leave the bed unless he wants to.  I love it.

Anyways, in my attempt to keep Otter healthy I've added yet another type of wipe to our house (Huggies for the bottom, Boogie Wipes for the nose): Johnson's hand and face wipes.  Washing our hands, currently, is more like a splash fest and exploration of everything he can reach- soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, medicine cabinet. So, I'm hoping these alcohol free wipes will help out a bit. Wish us luck.

Oh, I think I hear Otter up for his nap.  That's all for now. I hope you are making memories!