Thursday, February 28, 2013

Poli-ticking me off

I must be full of rants because here comes another one!  I am so sick of politics.  Like so sick of it that I am unfriending people over it. During the election I let it slide because “’tis the season.” But for people to still be wallowing in hate is disdain over the outcome of the election is completely unhealthy if you ask me, the non-professional.
News Flash: the election is over.  Your stupid, often, misinformed (and biased) memes and literature cannot change the election nor is it going to persuade anyone to change their mind for next election.  If you aren’t up-to-date on presidential election rules, he can’t go more than two terms. So, we have fresh blood coming up in 2016. And, not surprisingly, your all consuming distaste for the opposite party will surface again. Rinse and repeat every four years.  Does it feel good to carry such heavy opinions all of the time?
Please, don’t read this and assume I am a democrat or that I agree with everything President Obama is trying to implement. But I am open-minded, courteous, and respectful enough to share my opinions with only those interested in what I have to say, and I think I am pretty damn good and keeping it civil.  And, I am, by no means, a political genius nor do I want to be.  Frankly, politics are not something I enjoy at all. Which is why I am tired of seeing them everywhere.  According to some people, tripping over your own feet is somehow the fault of the despised politician somewhere. It’s time to take some personal responsibility.
It seems we’ve become lazy and are hastily passing the buck instead of claiming responsibility for our situations. I’m not trying to say that no one is immune to the effects of the economic down turn, but there are many, many people who just don’t want to accept that there is something they can do for themselves and want someone else to fix their problems. It’s time to get up, accept the situation, and do something positive. As Charles Swindoll said, “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”  Are your current reactions the flavor you want your life to be?
And honestly, I’m going to break this down to a more familiar level. Is the way you are reacting to the election setting a good example for your children? Do they hear, see, or join you in your jeering of our top public official?  What if they decided to react the same way to you when you tried to implement new rules, budgets, and etc?  We, as a country, elected him to office because the majority (Electoral College) of us felt he was able to run our country. What if 1 of your 3 children resisted, heckled, and deliberately disregarded the decisions that you are making on their behalf, trying to take their best interests at heart.  All we can ask is that he do the best job he is able.  Would you want to do his job?  I wouldn’t.
So, just stop. Move on. I'd rather hear you complain about the weather. Complaining isn't fixing anything, it's just making it worse.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I'm a better mom than you...

I’m a better mom than you.

Don’t like someone bluntly saying that? Then stop implying it all of the damn time.  No, I don’t think that I am a better mom than anyone.  I am the best mom possible to my Otter. But it doesn’t mean that I am a better mom than any other mom out there.
One of my BIGGEST pet peeves and mom gripes is all of these moms out there on social media or out and about in the real world making snarky comments and passing judgmental stares.  Parenting is hard enough as it is.  We don’t need to make it a competition.  I hate the car seat issue. YES, please follow the APA suggestions and restrain your child as appropriate.  But squirmy children are hard to restrain and even harder as they grow older and their little fingers can figure out their buckles. Parents shouldn’t be afraid to post photos of their sleeping beauties in their car seats for fear of the Car Seat Nazis calling them out publicly and making them feel incompetent. Recently on my Facebook feed I saw a status generally stating car seat rules and ending it with “It’s not that hard.”  F*ck you.  It IS hard.  Parenting is hard work.  Have you ever made a mistake? Have you ever forgotten to check something before moving on to the next task on your never ending to-do list? GET OVER YOURSELF!!!  We care about our kids and their safety and we don’t purposely put them in their car seat incorrectly.  How about a PM explaining your concern and offering to help if there are still questions?
Oh, and how about this Attachment Parenting? I get it.  In many aspects, I am an “attached” parent. But I have also heard “Gentle” parenting used.  What, those parents who don’t follow your parenting guidelines are aggressive, mean, or detached parents? My son didn’t sleep through the night until he was over 1 year old.  He cried it out of 2 nights and has slept amazingly since.  Don’t judge.  It worked for us. And guess what?!  He’s happy and healthy and doesn’t think I’m the worst parent in the world.  I know, you are mind blown. My parenting comes from what feels natural and right to me not because I want to fit a mold.
I could go on and on.  Breastfeeding vs formula feeding, vaccinating.  It’s not a competition.  I don’t lose points or the “game” if I wasn’t able to or decided not to breastfeed.  It’s what works for us- YOU and YOUR family.  Stay out of mine unless all you have is love and support.  I’m incredibly tired of talking to other mothers to find that they’ve been beaten down based on their decisions for parenting.  It’s not fair to anyone and it definitely doesn’t set a good example for your children.  So, think about offering support instead of judgment next time.
/End Rant/

Friday, February 15, 2013

Birthday and Babies

And we’ve survived our first Blizzard.  Thank you, Nemo!  By the way, who in the heck decided to name a winter storm after a cute little clown fish with a “little fin”? Poor Otter was confused hearing “Nemo” over and over, waiting for me to pop in the DVD. But he loved the snow!

Otter playing with Nemo.

Anyways, I’ve recently celebrated another year of life.  Which, I am forever appreciative of any and every year I get to spend with my loved ones. But this one hit me kind of hard. For some reason 27 seems really official.  I am no longer in my early twenties. Mid-twenties seemed so comfortable, but I am edging ever closer to the big 3-OH. I’m not afraid of turning thirty, but I fear the aging process, somewhat.  Namely, fertility.  I am emotionally ready for another baby. Doc isn’t quite there with me, yet. I hope he will get there eventually.  However, I feel that waiting another year or two would be good for Otter. I am still trying to get this parenting thing down.  He’s still trying to get his toddler attitude down.  He’s getting pretty good at being two.  But, despite my practical side telling me to wait, I have this fear, fear of the unknown, that if I wait too long, perhaps I won’t be able to have another. As unfounded as it is to have these feelings, I can’t push them aside.
While I was pregnant with Otter and for a while after he was born, I was convinced that I only wanted him. But every day that I see him grow older and do new and more grown up boy things my heart aches for the teeny tiny little baby that he used to be.  And when I see him play and interact out in public I see him do so well with other kids and ADORE babies and I know in my hear t that he can’t be an only child.  He needs a brother or a sister to share his life with. But how soon is too soon.  How long is too long to wait?  I battle these thoughts daily.  And don’t get me started on Doc.  I think he’s petrified of not sleeping again for another year.  Otter did some irreparable damage, I think.
Back to the point at hand, I am getting older and I wonder what my (our) future holds in terms of additional children.  I wish that I could peer into the future and see what is in store for us.  I promise I won’t peek at anything else, I would be content just knowing what’s in the cards. Just a quick peek, pretty please.   I know these are completely normal fears/thoughts for many, many women my age (and older and younger). Especially to take the leap from 1 child to 2.  We have those fears that we can’t love more than one or that the older will be jealous.  So.many.thoughts.
Well, I thought I was finished writing this post and then I popped on Facebook for a moment, and I see a bazillion posts about babies.  BABIES. Everywhere I turn, someone is pregnant, giving birth, or posting photos of their squishy little infant. I am incredibly happy for each and every one of these women and their families. I love seeing all of these moments.  I recently started following a new parenting page on Facebook and there are constantly birth photos beings posted.  I love it.  Every photo takes my breath away and brings tears to my eyes.  I need to do it again.  I want another birth experience. I can’t even begin to remember the pain from my first labor and delivery.  Isn’t it funny how nature works?
Moving on before I can’t focus the rest of the day because I’m daydreaming about my “someday baby”. I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine’s day.  Single or not, it’s about celebrating love- any kind of love.  Love for your child(ren), parents, friends, or significant other.  Otter came home from daycare with an indescribable amount of swag and sweets. The only way to describe it is with a photo.