Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It's Twenty Thirteen!

Well, I took a little hiatus.  I was working on something and then the Sandy Hook tragedy happened and what I was working on felt meaningless. Then, I decided I would write my thoughts and feelings on that.  But I couldn’t.  It hurt too damn bad to acknowledge that someone could be that cold. Instead, I hand wrote a letter to my son. Maybe I’ll post that someday.
So, now, it is the second day of Twenty Thirteen and I didn’t make a New Year’s resolution. We didn’t even “celebrate” the New Year. We got home from our trip to the Midwest visiting our family on New Year’s Eve. After hauling everything out of the vehicle and into the house, Christmas had officially thrown up all over the kitchen- where everything was dumped.  I had to run to the local market to get milk and essentials and I saw a sign on the door that said they were closing at 6:00 pm.  WHY?! Oh, yeah, it’s that holiday that I haven’t celebrated for years.
I don’t know why I don’t celebrate. Perhaps it’s that I was a waitress and by the time I got off work it was too late to do anything which slowly evolved to sitting on the couch in pajamas and watching the ball drop at home, to having a baby and not being able to physically keep myself awake long enough to even find a station what was broadcasting the events, to life has taken over and I just don’t care anymore. For whatever reason, I don’t stay up late, drinking and partying. I wake up the next morning, life as normal, and head to Target for groceries before many people have even gotten a few hours of sleep. Which is fine.
On this second day of the New Year comes the realization that the “holidays” are over for the next 11-ish months. Well, 10 because I feel like Halloween should really be included since it is less than a month before Thanksgiving, but I’m sure people would throw a fit- haters gonna hate, right?! Otter had a lovely Christmas.  His Nana sure did spoil him rotten.  I guess that’s a benefit of being the only grandchild. Otter, Doc, and I spent a lot of time in the car together. And Chip went back to the North Pole. Otter was surprisingly okay with this.  His 7 and 8 year-old cousins, however, did not appreciate it as much.  Maybe it was because they only got to see the Elf for a few days. But, I loved spending the time with family and reconnecting.  I wish we could do it more often.  I never thought I would be the one living across the country from everyone I know and love.  But I (we) are and it’s alright.  It’s a feeling of independence that I love.  We three are in this together and we have each other to lean on.
I will work on preparing a post of all of Chip’s shenanigans.  I have to admit that I lost steam towards the end of the season.
Here’s to a Happy and Healthy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see you are writing again, and it's wonderful to hear that you had a good time over the holiday!

